PHB 3D print, steel, glass, workshop crane, water, PHB bacteria, tubes, pump, 235 x 190 x 80 cm
exhibition view Renaissance 3.0, ZKM | Zentrum für Kunst und Medien, Karlsruhe 2023
The glass fermenter contains a replica of the right hand of Michelangelo's David made from the biopolymer PHB. The same bacteria (including Cupriavidus necator) producing the material slowly metabolize it by transforming the shape of the hand.
PHB 3D print, steel, glass, workshop crane, water, PHB bacteria, tubes, pump, 235 x 190 x 80 cm
exhibition view Renaissance 3.0, ZKM | Zentrum für Kunst und Medien, Karlsruhe 2023
The glass fermenter contains a replica of the right hand of Michelangelo's David made from the biopolymer PHB. The same bacteria (including Cupriavidus necator) producing the material slowly metabolize it by transforming the shape of the hand.