Unmarked Space Oddity, 2007
bioreactor, photo bacteria (Vibrio fischeri), video/computer installation, air-conditioning system, 270 x 400 x 300 cm
biotechnological realisation: Thomas Seppi, Department of Radiotherapy and Radiooncology, Medical University of Innsbruck
exhibition view TRICKSTER: Politker, Dämonen, Politiker, Tiroler Landesmuseum Ferdinandeum, Innsbruck 2007
When entering the dark, air-conditioned room, the visitor is captured by an infrared camera. A surveillance monitor shows the visitor in the room, a bioreactor with bioluminescent bacteria and a virtual museum attendant. The guard approaches the visitor out of the darkness, creating the impression of a physical presence. Although the guard is not physically present, the monitor image evokes a uncanny feeling of a physical threat. The result is an encounter of the third kind in an augmented space.
bioreactor, photo bacteria (Vibrio fischeri), video/computer installation, air-conditioning system, 270 x 400 x 300 cm
biotechnological realisation: Thomas Seppi, Department of Radiotherapy and Radiooncology, Medical University of Innsbruck
exhibition view TRICKSTER: Politker, Dämonen, Politiker, Tiroler Landesmuseum Ferdinandeum, Innsbruck 2007
When entering the dark, air-conditioned room, the visitor is captured by an infrared camera. A surveillance monitor shows the visitor in the room, a bioreactor with bioluminescent bacteria and a virtual museum attendant. The guard approaches the visitor out of the darkness, creating the impression of a physical presence. Although the guard is not physically present, the monitor image evokes a uncanny feeling of a physical threat. The result is an encounter of the third kind in an augmented space.